Friends of God
What do the young and old have in common? They can both ask themselves questions about the spiritual side of their lives. For the young, “Who am I? Where did I come from? And where am I going? Is not much different from, “My family is raised, my career is over, my body doesn’t work very well – what can I do now?” To both Jesus says as he did to the Rich Young Man, “Come follow me!” This requires Faith, which strengthens our Hope. These are Baptismal gifts which are not like coins to be kept in our pockets. To become operative, they must be used.
Julian of Norwich lived in 13th century England and is venerated by the Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran Churches for her prayerful life as an anchorite. She prayed for others too busy to pray as they ought. And even though she lived apart, she shared God’s wisdom freely. She is best known for reassuring young and old alike, “All will be well; all will be well; all manner of things shall be well.”
God’s Design is to save each us with the help of others. As Life Athletes, we have begun to encourage the elderly through prayer groups called “Friends of God”. As athletes we know how important it is to finish a race strong, especially when the finish line is so close.